
John Lydon
John started his career as a Real Estate Agent in the 1990s. Within two years he quickly closed over 75 deals and became a licensed Real Estate Broker. Reeling off his success, he wasted no time in establishing his own boutique real estate firm in 2001: NYC Views Realty. Upon acquiring an understanding of your specific real estate needs, John will take you through the process of learning the status-quo of the marketplace and selecting both the neighborhood and property type that best fit your request. The goal is to streamline the potentially complex process for clients by establishing confidence and following through with targeted real estate options and transaction ease. Throughout his nearly 20 year tenure, John has developed a deep understanding of New York’s ever evolving real estate marketplace. His accomplishments and professionalism are the hallmarks of his market-wide reputation for smooth, meticulous and well targeted transactions. Be it rentals, relocation assistance, co-op and condo sales, building sales or commercial leasing, his experience comprising of over 700+ closings speaks to his ability satisfy any variety of need. Let his commitment and expertise make your New York real estate experience effortless.